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The 'artificial leave' the cleanest and most efficient energy producer


Researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, have developed a device that replicates what plants and bacteria do with photosynthesis. This “artificial leaf” could be the most clean and efficient renewable energy source on earth by surpassing 22% energy efficiency.

The machine produces hydrogen fuel from water, using electrochemical water splitting and there are zero carbon emissions to contribute to global warming. Furthermore, due to its ‘simplicity’ this systems could be installed in a roof as the solar-electric section and water electrolysis cell could eventually look similar to a traditional solar hot water heater.

Despite of such success of MacFarlane’s team, they aren’t totally satisfied yet. They believe they can obtain an even more high effectiveness on the energy efficiency their artificial leaf and they are looking forward to reach a 30 percent efficiency rating while condensing the machine to make it suitable for domestic use.

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